In today’s landscape you have a number of options for running your social and internet marketing campaigns.
Before I dive into my comparison between the major platforms available, it’s important to define a few marketing and sales terms so we avoid any confusion:
- Marketing: this can either be branding (reinforcing messages about your organization, products or services) or direct response marketing (changing beliefs to directly present an offer with intent of a sale)
- Sales: depending on the product or service offered this may mean any of the number of activities leading up to the close, nonetheless a couple of key functions of selling is presenting an offer and the overcoming of objections
- Closing: solidifying the transaction / getting the sale, logical reasons to take immediate action
What I’m talking about on this post specifically is leveraging social and internet channels for marketing (both branding and direct response marketing).
So without further adieu…
Comparing Social and Internet Marketing Channels
So there you have it. There are certainly other platforms and channels out there that I’ve intentionally left out (e.g. TikTok), because they have yet to find a real relevancy for marketing purposes.
At this point in time, this comprehensive list reflects the major Social and Internet Marketing channels you should consider for your marketing campaigns. And with the fast changing nature of this landscape, it’s inevitable that the details of this list will morph and grow with time.